
Journal Articles


Naslund, L.C., D. Buhr, M. Chambers, S.K. McKay, S. Jumani, B. Bledsoe, A. Rosemond, and S. Wenger. 2024. Facilitating dam removal decisions with multiple objectives.  River Research and Applications.

Wood, J.L., L.H. Dietterich, D.R. Leasure, S.C. Jantzi, T.R. Maddox, S.J. Wenger, J.W. Skaggs, A.D. Rosemond, and M.C. Freeman. 2024. Elemental composition and potential toxicity of the riverine macrophyte Podestemum ceratophyllum Michx. Reflects land use in eastern North America.  Science of the Total Environment 954.

Cummins, C.S., A.D. Rosemond, N.J. Tomczyk, S.J. Wenger, P.M. Bumpers, V. Gulis, A.M. Helton and J.P. Benstead.  Temperature dependence of leaf litter breakdown differs between microbial and invertebrate pathways and litter species in streams. Ecology, 105.

Naslund, L.C., A.S. Mehring, A.D. Rosemond, and S.J. Wenger. 2024. Toward more accurate estimates of carbon emissions from small reservoirs.  Limnology and Oceanography, 69: 1350-1364.

Hare, D.K., A.M. Helton, C.S. Cummins, P.M. Bumpers, N.J. Tomczyk, P.A. Rogers, S.J. Wenger, E.R. Hotchkiss, A.D. Rosemond, and J.P. Benstead.  2024.  Leaf litter breakdown phenology in headwater stream networks is modulated by groundwater thermal regimes and litter type.  Limnology and Oceanography Letters, 9: 532-542.


Tomczyk, N., L. Naslund, C. Cummins, E.V. Bell, P. Bumpers, and A.D. Rosemond. 2023. Nonpoint source pollution measures in the Clean Water Act have no detectable impact on decadal trends in nutrient concentrations in U.S. inland waters.  Ambio, 52: 1475-1487. [doi]

Bumpers, P.M., A.D. Rosemond, D.W.P. Manning, J.S. Kominoski, J.P. Benstead, and L.M. Demi. 2023.  Experimental nutrient enrichment of forest streams reduces ecosystem nitrogen and phosphorus storage. Limnology and Oceanography, 68: 1670-1685. [doi]

Jackson, C.R., S.J. Wenger, B.P. Bledsoe, J.M. Shepherd, K.A. Capps, A.D. Rosemond, M.J. Paul, M. Welch-Devine, K. Li, T. Stephens, T.C. Rasmussen. 2023. Water supply, waste assimilation, and low-flow issues facing the Southeast Piedmont Interstate-85 urban archipelago. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 59(5): 1146-1161.  [doi]

Murray-Stoker, K.M., J.V. McHugh, A.C. Benke, K.A. Parsons, D. Murray-Stoker, A.D. Rosemond, S.J. Wenger, and D.P. Batzer. 2023. Long-term comparison of invertebrate communities in a blackwater river reveals taxon-specific biomass change. Freshwater Biology, 68: 632-644. [doi]

Tomczyk, N.J., A.D. Rosemond, A.M. Whiteis*, J.P. Benstead, and V. Gulis. 2023. Temperature and interspecific interactions drive differences in carbon use efficiencies and biomass stoichiometry among aquatic fungi. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 99(3). [doi]

Tomczyk, N.J., A.D. Rosemond, A. Kaz*, and J.P. Benstead. 2023. Contrasting activation energies of litter-associated respiration and P uptake drive lower cumulative P uptake at higher temperatures. Biogeosciences, 20: 191-204. [doi]


Tomczyk, N.J., A.D. Rosemond, J.S. Kominoski, D.W.P. Manning, J.P. Benstead, V. Gulis, S.A. Thomas, E.R. Hotchkiss, and A.M. Helton. 2022. Nitrogen and phosphorus uptake stoichiometry tracks supply ratio during 2-year whole-ecosystem nutrient additions. Ecosystems, 26: 1018-1032. [doi]

Tomczyk, N.J., A.D. Rosemond, P.A. Rogers, and C.S. Cummins. 2022. Thermal traits of freshwater macroinvertebrates vary with feeding group and phylogeny.  Freshwater Biology, 67: 1994-2003. [doi]

Tomczyk, N.J., A.D. Rosemond, P.M. Bumpers, C.S. Cummins, C. Yang and S.J. Wenger.  2022. Differences in respiration rates and abrasion losses may muddle attribution of breakdown to macroinvertebrates versus microbes in litterbag experiments. River Research and Applications, 38: 1721-1729. [doi]

van Rees, C.B., L. Naslund, D.D. Hernandez-Abrams, S.K. McKay, C.B. Woodson, A. Rosemond, B. McFall, S. Altman, S.J. Wenger. 2022. A strategic monitoring approach for learning to improve natural infrastructure. Science of the Total Environment, 832: 155078. [doi]

Jackson, C.R., K.K. Cecala, S.J. Wenger, J.E. Kirsch, J.R. Webster, D.S. Leigh, J.M. Sanders, J.P. Love, J.D. Knoepp, J.M. Fraterrigo, A.D. Rosemond. 2022. Distinctive connectivities of near-stream and watershed-wide land uses differentially degrade rural aquatic ecosystems. BioScience, 72(2): 144-159. [doi]


Naslund, L.C., J.R. Gerson, A.C. Brooks, A.D. Rosemond, D.M. Walters, and E.S. Bernhardt. 2021. Ecosystem modification and network position impact insect-mediated contaminant fluxes from a moutaintop mining-impacted river network.  Environmental Pollution, 292: 118257. [doi]

Benstead, J.P., W.F. Cross, V. Gulis, A.D. Rosemond. 2021. Combined carbon flows through detritus, microbes, and animals in reference and experimentally enriched stream ecosystems. Ecology, 102: e03279. [doi]

Ardón, M.  L.H. Zeglin, R.M. Utz, S.D. Cooper, W.K. Dodds, R.J. Bixby, A.S. Burdett, J. Follstad Shah, N.A. Griffiths, T.K. Harms, S.L. Johnson, J.B. Jones, J.S. Kominoski, W.H. McDowell, A.D. Rosemond, M.T. Trentman, D. Van Horn, A. Ward. 2021. Experimental nitrogen and phosphorus enrichment stimulates multiple trophic levels of algal and detrital‐based food webs: a global meta‐analysis from streams and rivers. Biological Review, 96: 692-715. [doi]

Rosemond, A.D., P.M. Bumpers, S.L. Eggert, and M.J. Paul. 2021.  Ecoregion 8.4.4 Blue Ridge: Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory, North Carolina.  In: Ryan, Douglas F. ed. Biological Responses to Stream Nutrients: A Synthesis of science from experimental forests and ranges. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-981. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 522 p.

Manning, D.W.P., V. Ferreira, V. Gulis, A.D. Rosemond. 2021. Pathways, mechanisms, and consequences of nutrient-stimulated plant litter decomposition in streams. In: Swan C.M., L. Boyero, C. Canhoto (eds). The Ecology of Plant Litter Decomposition in Stream Ecosystems. Springer, Cham. [doi]


Sullivan, S.M.P., M.C. Rains, A.D. Rodewald, W.W. Buzbee, A.D. Rosemond. 2020. Distorting science, putting water at risk. Science, 369: 766-768. [doi]

Prater, C. P.M. Bumpers, L.M. Demi, A.D. Rosemond, P.D. Jeyasingh. 2020. Differential responses of macroinvertebrate ionomes across experimental N:P gradients in detritus-based headwater streams. Oecologia, 193: 981-993. [doi]

Anderson, C.B., M. Tagliaferro, A. Fisk, A.D. Rosemond, M.L. Sanchez, M.T. Arts. 2020. Fatty acids elucidate sub-Antarctic stream benthic food web dynamics invaded by the North American beaver (Castor canadensis). Polar Biology, 43: 423-433. [doi]

Manning, D.W.P., A.D. Rosemond, J.P. Benstead, P.M. Bumpers, and J.S. Kominoski. 2020. Transport of N and P in U.S. streams and rivers differs with land use and between dissolved and particulate forms. Ecological Applications, 30: e02130. [doi]

Demi, L.M., J.P. Benstead, A.D. Rosemond, and J.C. Maerz. 2020. Experimental N and P additions relieve stoichiometric constraints on organic-matter flows through five stream food webs. Journal of Animal Ecology, 89: 1468-1481. [doi]

Tomczyk, N.J., A. Rosemond, P.M. Bumpers, C.S. Cummins, S.J. Wenger, J.P. Benstead. 2020. Ignoring temperature variation leads to underestimation of the temperature sensitivity of plant litter decomposition. Ecosphere, 11(2):e03050. 10.1002/ecs2.3050. [doi]

Usher, R., J. Wood, P. Bumpers, S. Wenger, and A. Rosemond. 2020. Streamwater nutrients stimulate respiration and breakdown of standardized detrital substrates across a landscape gradient: effects of nitrogen, phosphorus, and carbon quality.  Freshwater Science, 39:101-114. [doi]


Demi, L.M., J.P. Benstead, A.D. Rosemond, and J.C. Maerz. 2019. Experimental N and P additions alter stream macroinvertebrate community composition via taxon-level responses to shifts in detrital stoichiometry. Functional Ecology, 33: 855-867. [doi]


J.E Allgeier, C.A. Layman, C.G Montaña, E. Hensel, R. Appaldo, A.D. Rosemond. 2018. Anthropogenic versus fish‐derived nutrient effects on seagrass community structure and function. Ecology, 99: 1792-1801. [doi]

Song, C., W.K. Dodds, J.Rüegg, A. Argerich, C.L Baker, W.B Bowden, M.M Douglas, K.J. Farrell, M.B Flinn, E.A. Garcia, A.M. Helton, T.K Harms, S. Jia, J.B. Jones, L.E. Koenig, J.S. Kominoski, W.H. McDowell, D. McMaster, S.P. Parker, A.D. Rosemond, C.M. Ruffing, K.R. Sheehan, M.T. Trentman, M.R. Whiles, W.M. Wollheim, F. Ballantyne. 2018. Continental-scale decrease in net primary productivity in streams due to climate warming. Nature Geoscience, 11: 415-420. [doi]

Farrell, K.J., A.D. Rosemond, J.S. Kominoski, S.M. Bonjour, J.Ruegg, L.E. Koenig, C.L. Baker, M.T. Trentman, T.K. Harms, and W.H. McDowell. 2018. Variation in detrital resource stoichiometry signals differential carbon to nutrient limitation for stream consumers across biomes. Ecosystems, 21: 1676-1691. [doi]

Demi, L.M., J.P. Benstead, A.D. Rosemond, and J.C. Maerz. 2018. Litter P content drives consumer production in detritus-based streams spanning an experimental N:P gradient. Ecology, 99: 347-359. [doi]

Manning, D.W.P, A.D. Rosemond, V. Gulis, J.P. Benstead, J.S. Kominoski. 2018. Nutrients and temperature additively increase stream microbial respiration. Global Change Biology, 24: 233-247. [doi]


Gulis, V., K.A. Kuehn, L.N. Schoettle, D. Leach, J.P. Benstead, and A.D. Rosemond. 2017. Changes in nutrient stoichiometry, elemental homeostasis and growth rate of aquatic litter-associated fungi in response to inorganic nutrient supply. ISME Journal, 11: 2729-2739. [doi]

Bumpers, P.M., A.D. Rosemond, J.C. Maerz, J.P. Benstead. 2017. Experimental nutrient enrichment of forest streams increases energy flow to predators along greener food-web pathways. Freshwater Biology, 62: 1794-1805. [doi]

Kominsoki, J.S., A.D. Rosemond, J.P. Benstead, V. Gulis, D.W.P. Manning. 2017. Experimental nitrogen and phosphorus additions increase rates of stream ecosystem respiration and carbon loss. Limnology and Oceanography, 63: 22-36. [PDF]

Follstad Shah, J.J., J.S. Kominoski, M. Ardón, W.K. Dodds, M.O. Gessner, N.A. Griffiths, C.P. Hawkins, S.L. Johnson, A. Lecerf, C.J. LeRoy, D.W.P Manning, A. D Rosemond, R.L. Sinsabaugh, C.M. Swan, J.R. Webster, L.H. Zeglin. 2017. Global synthesis of the temperature sensitivity of leaf litter breakdown in streams and rivers. Global Change Biology, 23: 3064-3075. [doi]


Sterling, J.L, A.D. Rosemond, S.J. Wenger. 2016. Watershed urbanization affects marcroinvertebrate community structure and reduces biomass through similar pathways in Piedmont streams, Georgia, USA. Freshwater Science, 35: 676-688. [PDF]

Manning, D.W.P, A.D. Rosemond, J.P. Benstead, J.S. Kominoski, V. Gulis, and J.C. Maerz. 2016. Convergence of detrital stoichiometry predicts thresholds of nutrient-stimulated breakdown in streams. Ecological Applications, 26: 1745-1757. [PDF]

Rüegg, J., W.K. Dodds, M.D. Daniels, C.L. Baker, W.B. Bowden, K.J. Farrell, M.B. Flinn, T.K. Harms, J.B. Jones, L.E. Koenig, J.S. Kominoski, W.H. McDowell, S.P. Parker, A.D. Rosemond, K.R. Sheehan, M.T. Trentman, M.R. Whiles and W.M. Wollheim. 2016. Baseflow physical stream characteristics differ at multiple spatial scales in stream networks across diverse biomes. Landscape Ecology, 31: 119-136. [PDF]


Bumpers, P.M., J.C. Maerz, A.D. Rosemond, J.P. Benstead. 2015. Salamander growth rates increase along an experimental stream phosphorus gradient. Ecology, 96: 2994-3004. [PDF]

Trice, A.E., A.D. Rosemond, J.C. Maerz. Diet composition of two larval headwater stream salamanders and spatial distribution of prey. Freshwater Biology, 60: 2424-2434. [PDF]

Tant, C. J., A.D. Rosemond, A.S. Mehring, K.A. Kuehn, J.M. Davis. 2015. The role of aquatic fungi in transformations of organic matter mediated by nutrients. Freshwater Biology, 60: 1354–1363. [PDF]

Milanovich, J. R., J.C. Maerz, A.D. Rosemond. 2015. Stoichiometry and estimates of nutrient standing stocks of larval salamanders in Appalachian headwater streams. Freshwater Biology, 60: 1340–1353. [PDF]

Archer SK, Allgeier JE, Semmens BX, Heppell SA, Pattengill-Semmens CV, Rosemond AD, Bush PG, McCoy CM, Johnson BC, Layman CA. 2015. Hot moments in spawning aggregations: implications for ecosystem-scale nutrient cycling. Coral Reefs, 34: 19-23. [PDF]

Allgeier, J.E., S.J. Wenger, A.D. Rosemond, D.E. Schindler, C.A. Layman. 2015. Metabolic theory and taxonomic identity predict nutrient recycling in a diverse food web. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences, 112: 640-647. [PDF]

Rosemond, A.D., J.P. Benstead, P.M. Bumpers, V. Gulis, J.S. Kominoski, D.W.P. Manning, K. Suberkropp, J.B. Wallace. 2015. Experimental nutrient additions accelerate terrestrial carbon loss from stream ecosystems. Science, 347: 1142-1145. [doi]

Manning, D.W.P., A.D. Rosemond, J.S. Kominoski, V. Gulis, J.P. Benstead, J.C. Maerz. 2015. Detrital stoichiometry as a critical nexus for the effects of streamwater nutrients on leaf litter breakdown rates. Ecology, 96: 2214-2224. [PDF]

Tant, CJ, A.D. Rosemond, A.M. Helton, M.R. First. 2015. Nutrient enrichment alters the magnitude and timing of fungal, bacterial, and detritivore contributions to litter breakdown. Freshwater Science, 34: 1259-1271. [doi]

Mehring, A. K. Kuehn, A. Thompson, C. Pringle, A.D. Rosemond, M. First, R Lowrance, G. Vellidis. 2015. Leaf litter nutrient uptake in an intermittent blackwater river: influence of tree species and associated biotic and abiotic drivers. Functional Ecology, 29: 849-860. [PDF]

Allgeier, J.E., C.A. Layman, P.J. Mumby, A.D. Rosemond. 2015. Biogeochemical implications of regional biodiversity loss across coastal marine ecosystems. Ecological Monographs, 85: 117-132. [PDF]

Kominoski, J.S, A.D. Rosemond, J.P. Benstead, V. Gulis, J.C. Maerz, and D.W.P. Manning. 2015. Low-to-moderate nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations accelerate microbially driven litter breakdown rates. Ecological Applications, 25: 856-865. [PDF]


Allgeier, J.E., C.A. Layman, P.J. Mumby and A.D. Rosemond. 2014. Consistent nutrient storage and supply mediated by diverse fish communities in coral reef ecosystems. Global Change Biology, 8: 2459-2472[PDF]


Tant, C.J., A.D. Rosemond and M.R. First. 2013. Stream nutrient enrichment has a greater effect on coarse than on fine benthic organic matter. Freshwater Science, 32:1111-1121. [PDF]


Kominoski, J.S. and A.D. Rosemond. 2012. Conservation from the bottom up: forecasting effects of global change on dynamics of organic matter and management needs for river networks. Freshwater Science, 31: 51-68. [PDF]


Davis, J.M., Rosemond, A.D., and Small, G.E. 2011. Increasing donor ecosystem productivity decreases terrestrial consumer reliance on a stream resource subsidy. Oecologia, 48: 821-834. [PDF]

Allgeier, J.E., A.D. Rosemond, and C.A. Layman. 2011. The frequency and magnitude of non-additive responses to multiple nutrient enrichment. Journal of Applied Ecology, 48: 96-101. [PDF]

Allgeier, J.E., Rosemond, A.D., Layman, C.A. 2011. Variation in nutrient limitation and seagrass nutrient content in Bahamian mangrove wetlands. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 407: 330-336. [doi]

Layman, C.A., Allgeier, J.E., Rosemond, A.D., Dahlgren, C.P., and Yeager, L. 2011. Marine fisheries declines viewed upside down: human impacts on consumer-driven nutrient recycling. Ecological Applications, 21: 343–349. [PDF]


Allgeier, J.A., A.D. Rosemond, A.S. Mehring and C.A. Layman. 2010. Synergistic nutrient co-limitation across a gradient of ecosystem fragmentation in subtropical mangrove-dominated wetlands. Limnology and Oceanography, 55: 2660-2668. [PDF]

Davis, J.M., A.D. Rosemond, S.L. Eggert, W.F. Cross and J.B. Wallace. 2010. Nutrient enrichment differentially affects body sizes of primary consumers and predators in a detritus-based stream. Limnology and Oceanography, 55: 2305-2316. [PDF]

Anderson, C.B. and A.D. Rosemond. 2010. Beaver invasion alters terrestrial subsidies to subantarctic stream food webs. Hydrobiologia, 652: 349-361. [doi]

Suberkropp, K., V. Gulis, A.D. Rosemond, and J.P. Benstead. 2010. Ecosystem and physiological scales of microbial response to nutrients in a detritus-based stream: results of a 5-year continuous enrichment. Limnology and Oceanography, 55: 149-160. [PDF]

Davis, J.M., A.D. Rosemond, S.L. Eggert, W.F. Cross and J.B. Wallace. 2010. Long-term nutrient enrichment decouples predator and prey production. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107: 121-126. [PDF]

Rosemond, A.D., C.M. Swan, J.S. Kominoski, S.E. Dye. 2010. Non-additive effects of litter mixing are suppressed in a nutrient-enriched stream. Oikos, 119: 326-336. [PDF]


Wenger, S.J., A.H. Roy, C.R. Jackson, E.S. Bernhardt, T.L. Carter, S. Filoso, C.A. Gibson, N.B. Grimm, W.C. Hession, S.S. Kaushal, E. Marti, J.L. Meyer, M.A. Palmer, M.J. Paul, A.H. Purcell, A. Ramirez, A.D. Rosemond, K.A. Schofield, T.R. Schueler, E.B. Sudduth and C.J. Walsh. 2009. Twenty-six priority urban stream ecology research questions. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 28: 1080-1098. [PDF]

Carter, T.L., C.R. Jackson, A.D. Rosemond, C.M. Pringle, D. Radcliffe, W. Tollner, J. Maerz, D. Leigh, and A. Trice. 2009. Beyond the urban gradient: barriers and opportunities for timely studies of urbanization effects on aquatic ecosystems. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 28:1038-1050. [PDF]

Benstead, J.P, A.D. Rosemond, W.F. Cross, J.B. Wallace, S.L. Eggert, K. Suberkropp, V. Gulis, J.L. Greenwood and C.J. Tant. 2009. Long-term nutrient enrichment alters organic matter dynamics in a headwater stream ecosystem. Ecology, 90: 2556-2566. [PDF]

Anderson, C.B., G.M. Pastur, M.V. Lencinas, P. Wallem, M.C. Moorman, and A.D. Rosemond. 2009. Do introduced North American Beavers engineer differently in southern South America? – An overview with implications for restoration. Mammal Review, 39(1): 33-52. [PDF]


Rosemond, A.D., W.F. Cross, J.L. Greenwood, V. Gulis, S.L. Eggert, K. Suberkropp, J.B. Wallace and S.E. Dye. 2008. Nitrogen versus phosphorus demand in a detritus-based headwater stream: what drives microbial to ecosystem response? Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol., 30:651-655. [doi] [PDF]

Gulis, V., K. Suberkropp and A.D. Rosemond. 2008. Comparison of fungal activity on wood and leaf litter in unaltered and nutrient enriched headwater streams. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 74:1094-1101. [PDF]


Anderson, C.B. and A.D. Rosemond. 2007. Ecosystem engineering by invasive exotic beavers reduces in-stream diversity and enhances ecosystem function in Cape Horn, Chile. Oecologia, 154:141-153. [PDF]

Cross, W.F., J.B. Wallace and A.D. Rosemond. 2007. Nutrient enrichment reduces constraints on material flows in a detritus-based food web. Ecology, 88:2563-2575. [PDF]

Greenwood, J.L., A.D. Rosemond, J.B. Wallace, W.F. Cross and H.S. Weyers. 2007. Nutrients stimulate leaf breakdown rates and detritivore biomass: bottom-up effects via heterotrophic pathways. Oecologia, 151: 637-649. [PDF]


Cross, W.F., J.B. Wallace, A.D. Rosemond, and S.L. Eggert. 2006. Whole-system nutrient enrichment increases secondary production in a detritus-based ecosystem. Ecology, 87: 1556-1565. [PDF]

Johnson, B.R., J.B. Wallace, A.D. Rosemond and W.F. Cross. 2006. Larval salamander growth responds to enrichment of a nutrient poor headwater stream. Hydrobiologia, 573: 227-232. [PDF]

Anderson, C.B., R. Rozzi, J.C. Torres-Mura, S.M. McGehee, M.F. Sherriffs, E. Schuettler and A.D. Rosemond. 2006. Exotic vertebrate fauna in the remote and pristine sub-Antarctic Cape Horn Archipelago region of Chile. Biodiversity and Conservation, 15: 3295-3313. [PDF]

Anderson, C.B., C.R. Griffith, A.D. Rosemond, R. Rozzi and O. Dollenz. 2006. The effects of invasive North American beavers on riparian vegetation communities in Cape Horn, Chile: Do exotic beavers engineer differently in sub-Antarctic ecosystems? Biological Conservation, 128: 467-474. [PDF]


Cross, W.F., B. Johnson, J.B. Wallace, and A.D. Rosemond. 2005. Contrasting response of two stream detritivores to long-term nutrient enrichment. Limnology and Oceanography, 50:1730-1739. [PDF]

Greenwood, J.L. and A.D. Rosemond. 2005. Periphyton response to long-term nutrient enrichment in a shaded headwater stream. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 62: 1-13. [PDF]

Cross, W.F., A.D. Rosemond, J.P. Benstead, S.L. Eggert, and J.B. Wallace. 2005. Differential effects of consumers on C, N, and P dynamics: Insights from long-term research. In: Dynamic Food Webs: Multispecies Assemblages, Ecosystem Development and Environmental Change. A Volume in Theoretical Ecology (eds P.C. de Ruiter & J.C. Moore), pp. 235–247. Elsevier, Amsterdam. [doi]


Moore, J.C., D. Callaway, D.C. Coleman, P. de Ruiter, Q. Dong, A. Hastings, N. Collins Johnson, K. McCann, K. Melville, P. Morin, K. Nadelhoffer, A. Rosemond, D. Post, K. Scow, M. Vanni, and D. Wall. 2004. Detritus, Trophic Dynamics, and Biodiversity. Ecology Letters, 7:584-600. [PDF]

England, L.E. and A.D. Rosemond. 2004. Small reductions in forest cover weaken terrestrial-aquatic linkages in headwater streams. Freshwater Biology, 49:721-734. [PDF]

Gulis, V. A.D. Rosemond, K. Suberkropp, H.S. Weyers and J.P. Benstead. 2004. The effect of nutrient enrichment on the decomposition of wood and associated microbial activity in streams. Freshwater Biology, 49: 1437-1447. [PDF]


Cross, W.F., J.P. Benstead, A.D. Rosemond, and J.B. Wallace. 2003. Consumer-resource stoichiometry in a detritus-based stream. Ecology Letters, 6: 721-732. [PDF]

Rosemond, A.D. and C.B. Anderson. 2003. Engineering role models: Do non-human species have the answers? Ecological Engineering, 20: 379-388. [PDF]

Roy, A.H., A.D. Rosemond, M.J. Paul, D.S. Leigh and J.B. Wallace. 2003. Habitat-specific responses of stream insects to land cover disturbance: biological consequences and monitoring implications. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 22:292-307. [PDF]

Roy, A.H., A.D. Rosemond, M.J. Paul, D.S. Leigh, and J.B. Wallace. 2003. Stream macroinvertebrate response to catchment urbanisation (Georgia, U.S.A.). Freshwater Biology, 48:329-346. [PDF]


Rosemond, A.D., C.M. Pringle, A. Ramirez, M.J. Paul, and J.L. Meyer. 2002. Landscape variation in phosphorus concentration and effects on detritus-based tropical streams. Limnology and Oceanography, 47: 278-289. [PDF]


Rosemond, A.D., C.M. Pringle, A. Ramirez, and M.J. Paul. 2001. A test of top-down and bottom-up control in a detritus-based food web. Ecology, 82: 2279-2293. [PDF]


Rosemond, A.D., P.J. Mulholland, and S.H. Brawley. 2000. Seasonally shifting limitation of stream periphyton: response of algal populations and assemblage biomass and productivity to variation in light, nutrients, and herbivores. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 57: 1-10. [PDF]


Rosemond, A.D., C.M. Pringle, and A. Ramirez. 1998. Macroconsumer effects on insect detritivores and detrital processing in a tropical stream. Freshwater Biology, 39: 515-523. [PDF]


Rosemond, A.D. and S.H. Brawley. 1996. Species-specific characteristics explain the persistence of Stigeoclonium tenue (Chlorophyta) in a woodland stream. Journal of Phycology, 32: 54-63. [PDF]

DeAngelis, D.L., L. Persson, and A.D. Rosemond. 1996. Interaction of productivity and consumption. Pp. 109-113. In: Food Webs: Integration of Patterns and Dynamics. Polis, G.A. and K.L. Winemiller, eds. Chapman and Hall. [doi]

Rosemond, A.D. 1996. Indirect effects of herbivores modify predicted effects of resources and consumption on plant biomass. Pp. 149-160. In: Food Webs: Integration of Patterns and Dynamics. Polis, G.A. and K.L. Winemiller, eds. Chapman and Hall. [doi]


Rosemond, A.D. 1994. Multiple factors limit seasonal variation in periphyton in a forest stream. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 13: 333-344. [PDF]


Rosemond, A.D. 1993. Interactions among irradiance, nutrients, and herbivores constrain a stream algal community. Oecologia, 94: 585-594. [doi]

Rosemond, A.D., P.J. Mulholland, and J.W. Elwood. 1993. Top-down and bottom-up control of stream periphyton: effects of nutrients and herbivores. Ecology, 74: 1264-1280. [PDF]


Mulholland, P.J. and A.D. Rosemond. 1992. Periphyton response to longitudinal nutrient depletion in a woodland stream: evidence of upstream-downstream linkage. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 11: 405-419. [PDF]

Mulholland, P.J., C.T. Driscoll, J.W. Elwood, M.P. Osgood, A.V. Palumbo, A.D. Rosemond, M.E. Smith, and C. Schofield. 1992. Relationships between stream acidity and bacteria, macroinvertebrates, and fish: a comparison of north temperate and south temperate mountain streams, USA. Hydrobiologia, 239: 7-24. [doi]

Rosemond, A.D., S.R. Reice, J.W. Elwood and P.J. Mulholland. 1992. The effects of acidification on benthic invertebrate communities of montane streams in the southeast U.S. Freshwater Biology, 27: 193-209.


Mulholland, P.J., A.V. Palumbo, J.W. Elwood, and A.D. Rosemond. 1987. Effects of acidification on leaf decomposition in streams. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 6: 147-158. [PDF] [doi]

Conference Proceedings

Leigh, D.S., B.J. Freeman, M.C. Freeman, E.A. Kramer, C.M. Pringle, A.D. Rosemond, M.J. Paul, D.M. Walters, and C.P. Lo. 2001. Overview of land cover and geomorphic indicators of biotic integrity in the Etowah River. Pp. 225-228. Proceedings of the Georgia Water Resources Conference, Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA.

Roy, A.H., A.D. Rosemond, D.S. Leigh and M.J. Paul. 2001. Effects of changing land use on macroinvertebrate integrity: identifying indicators of water quality impairment. Pp. 229-232. Proceedings of the Georgia Water Resources Conference, Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA.

Rosemond, A.D., H.S. Weyers, M.J. Paul, and J.L. Greenwood. 2001. Benthic algal biomass in the Etowah basin and implications to establishing nutrient criteria in streams. Pp. 237-240. Proceedings of the Georgia Water Resources Conference, Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA.

Rosemond, A.D., D.S. Leigh, B.J. Freeman, M.C. Freeman, E.A. Kramer, and C.M. Pringle. 1999. Development of a scientific understanding of the effects of changing land use on stream ecosystems. Pp. 187-189. Proceedings of the Georgia Water Resources Conference, Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA.