New findings from our research coming out in Science

misty forest with small fast moving stream

So much has gone on in our lab the last couple of months! Our most exciting news is that our research findings will be published in Science next month! Our experiments have shown that nutrient enrichment accelerates loss of forest-derived carbon in streams. This is a fundamentally different pathway for nutrients to affect the health and condition of streams than those that occur through stimulation of algal biomass and associated carbon sequestration.

One of the most gratifying things for me in seeing this paper come together is the positive collaborative environment that we were all working within – and that we asked many many of our colleagues for help and opinions- and that folks gave so freely of their time, talents and ideas. I want to especially thank Ashley Helton, Bob Hall, Chao Song and Seth Wenger for their input and expertise. There are many collaborators who made these experiments ‘happen’ with their contributions and others who gave us constructive and critical feedback on many earlier versions of the manuscript – thank you again for the time and perspectives you shared. This experience reinforces for me what a positive congenial network we have in freshwater ecology – it makes me proud to be part of that network and contribute to others when they need it!

Cheers, ya’ll! ADR