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Current Graduate Students

  • researcher holding water sample

    Phillip Bumpers

    PhD Candidate, co-advised by Seth Wenger

    Research Professional

    Phillip is the joint research coordinator for the Rosemond lab and the Wenger lab in the River Basin Center here in the Odum School of  Ecology. Phillip received his MS in ecology at the Odum School in Dr. Rosemond’s lab where he studied how nutrient enrichment altered the growth and diet of larval salamanders. Phillip coordinates most research in the lab and is the project manager for the stream warming study at the Coweeta Hydrologic Lab in North Carolina.  Phillip is broadly interested in how global change affects stream ecosystem structure and function with a particular interest in nutrient enrichment, climate change, and urbanization. He is also pursuing a PhD and is co-advised by Dr. Seth Wenger.

  • person holding algae

    Cait Conn

    PhD Candidate, co-advised by Seth Wenger

    I am interested in how human activities, especially management practices, impact freshwater ecosystems and how scientific research can be used to better inform these management practices. My current research aims to quantify the effects of different flow conditions, and thus different management strategies, on the key ecological functions of stream metabolism and nutrient retention. Specifically, I am examining the role primary producers play in determining how ecological functions respond to varying flow conditions.

  • person holding bird

    Carolyn Cummins

    PhD Candidate

    Carolyn joined the Rosemond lab in Fall 2017 as part of the Master’s in Ecology program after receiving a B.S. in Biological Sciences from Colorado State University in December 2015. After working in various lab and field settings, Carolyn became interested in how aquatic organisms, especially macroinvertebrates, respond to anthropogenic stressors such as climate change. Her research in the Rosemond lab will examine the effects of stream warming on freshwater ecosystem function with a focus on how litter breakdown rates and macroinvertebrate physiology differ across temperature gradients.

  • researcher labeling samples

    Laura Naslund

    PhD Candidate, co-advised by Seth Wenger

    Laura joined the Rosemond lab in 2019 after graduating from Duke University. There she studied the propagation of aquatic contamination from mountaintop mining-impacted streams to the terrestrial food web through aquatic insect emergence. She is broadly interested in human impacts on chemical fate and transport in freshwater ecosystems. For her dissertation, Laura is studying the impact of small impoundments on greenhouse gas emissions in stream networks to inform evaluations of the costs and benefits associated with dam removals. Hi!

  • person holding butterfly collection

    Carlos Vargas

    MS Student

    Carlos joined the Rosemond Lab as a Master’s student in 2023, after graduating with a B.S. in Biology from Davidson College in 2022. His previous research focused on the effects of disturbance on community composition. He now aims to study the effects of aquatic plant life presence on macroinvertebrate communities. Increased anthropogenic impacts on streams demand that we understand how populations are changing across all trophic levels. He hopes that by quantifying and identifying benthic macroinvertebrates, we can get an idea of these changes. Carlos is also broadly interested in scientific outreach and communication and hopes to develop skills to better communicate with local communities in science, especially the communities that are not historically included in science.

Former Graduate Students